Garden Sparrows

Once the most common bird in our Gardens - now in decline

Male Sparrow on Gutter
Photo: A male Sparrow guarding it's Young © Down the Lane

For years most of us have accepted the Sparrow as being very common visitors to our Gardens and in ample numbers, but over the last 20 or 30 years their population has decreased by some 70%

Sparrows are therefore another bird on the RSPB Red Alert

Exactly why numbers have dropped is not altogether known., the main theories are a combination of; less places for them to nest (modern houses do not have so many nooks and crannies), newer modern farming harvest systems do not leave much for foraging and an increase of domestic cats. The latter may have some bearing on the fact that numbers have decreased more in urban areas than rural.

My house is half brick and half tiled along the walls, the Sparrows which nest here are in the gap between the two - not many new build houses have this method. You're certainly going to find more in older house residential areas.

Their diet consists of seeds, berries, insects and almost any scraps left out by us.

Maybe they are not as attractive as many birds and some may not thin they're in trouble. If you have Sparrows living around your home, ensure any old bits of bread and other waste is thrown out for them. They may be in contest with Robins and other birds, but they should get their share. They're pretty quick.

female sparrow


The female Sparrow gladly taking some breadcrumbs..

Female Sparrow

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